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Sigma Chi Gamma Elects New Officers

The 2017-18 Executive Committee of Sigma Chi Gamma.

On Wednesday, November 7th, 2018, Sigma Chi Gamma ushered in a new era by holding officer elections. The new officers stepped into their positions effective immediately and will have terms of one calendar year.

This election cycle marks a big stepping stone in our history as a Colony, as the previous executive committee and officers have been serving in their roles since September 2017. We cannot thank our previous officers enough, as their work laid the foundation for our Colony, and we would not be where we are today without them.

Once again, thank you to all of the previous officers and congratulations to the new ones.

Sigma Chi Gamma Officers, 2018-19:

Consul | Will Odom

Pro Consul | James Buckley

Annotator | Ryan Barnes

Quaestor | Mason Tittle

Magister | Andrew Garcia

Risk Manager | Reid Geheren

Recruitment Chairman | Brooks Berry

Tribune | Fischer Hawkins

Social Chair | Richmond Maddox

Scholarship Chair | Connor Rose

Historian | Harry Meyer

Kustos | Ross Jones

House Manager | Jaxon Reinken

Brotherhood Chair | John Matherne

In Hoc and War Eagle!

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